About the Journal

Linker (The Journal of Emerging Research in Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry) publishes original papers on agriculture, fisheries, and forestry, covering topics such as crop production, animal science, agricultural sciences, food processing, agricultural development, economics, climate change, disaster risk management, aquatic systems, fish farming, fish rearing, fish management, sea food processing, forest resources conservation, entomology, pathology, management, hydrology, ecology, adaptation to climate change, tree physiology, silviculture, urban forestry, biomass, carbon, bioenergy, wood science, wildlife ecology, and environmental science.


Current Issue

Vol. 4 No. 2 (2024): Linker (The Journal of Emerging Research in Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry), July - December 2024
					View Vol. 4 No. 2 (2024): Linker (The Journal of Emerging Research in Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry), July - December 2024

Isabela State University San Fabian, Echague, Isabela
Email: echague@isu.edu.ph For inquiries, please contact:
Mr. JOHN C. REYES Administrative Assistant II and In-charge,
Isabela State University Desktop Publishing
Contact No.: 0922-711-4179; 0955-0934-916

Published: 2024-12-31


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Peer Review Process

As the journal is fully refereed and adheres to double-blind review process, each article undergoes an initial review by the journal’s chief editor. Prior to submission of research articles, the authors are requested to download the declaration form and include it in the submission system to ensure that the submitted work has not been published, or is being considered for publication elsewhere. Furthermore, the contributors must also affirm that the submitted work is original and that no copyright infringement has occurred in seeking its publication.

If the editor decides that the research article fits within the guidelines and follows the journal format, then it is further scrutinized using Turnitin for originality checking and plagiarism detection. Once the research paper is compliant with the previous criteria, the chief editor will also examine the research paper as to its quality, relevance to journal’s scope, and ethical issues.

If the manuscript satisfies all the criteria outlined during the preliminary review by the chief editor, it will be set out for the review process by at least two knowledgeable scholars who are experts in the research topic of the manuscript. Neither the authors' nor peer reviewers' identities will be shared with each other. Once the manuscript has been reviewed, the author will be notified by the chief editor as to their decision whether to accept or reject the manuscript. It is on this stage that the author will be provided with feedback and/or comments for the revision and improvement of its manuscript before its publication, or reasons why it will not be considered for publication.

Once the article has been accepted, the author/s need to understand the copyright agreement and sign the copyright form . By agreeing to this contract, the author/s grants the ISU Linker Journal all rights and contributions pertaining to the promotion and distribution of his work, as well as the publication of his paper both in print and online formats.